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Utilizing eMiddleton’s Workplace Infrastructure to Ensure Executive Strategic Initiative (ESI) and Operational Excellence (OpX) Transformational Success. June 2022.

This noteworthy* presentation details how eMiddleton can help align your business strategy to ensure transformational success and profitable performance.

Per Harvard, organizational change is necessary for companies to succeed and grow. In 2022, everyone is clamoring for change. Yet, research shows that 70% of complex, large-scale change programs don’t reach their stated goals. In other words, those programs fail.

Transformation must fit your vision, strategy, goals, and shareholder expectations. The key to profitable performance is the extent to which four business elements are aligned – Leadership | Organization | Jobs | People. So, to ensure transformational success, every CEO needs a playbook and guideposts. eMiddleton will illustrate how to align your business strategy with your workplace infrastructure.

  • Organizational Change – Why now?
  • Transformation – Vision | Strategy | Goals | Risks | Shareholders | CEO Playbook | CEO Guideposts
  • eMiddleton’s Workplace Infrastructure Principles & Methodology
  • eMiddleton’s Declaration to Align your Business Strategy with your Workplace Infrastructure

eInsights™ is a trademark of Middleton Group, Inc. 2022.

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