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  • chess pieces to illustrate business strategy

3 Keys for CEOs: Relevance, Culture, and Alignment

NACD Boardtalk | Jim DeLoach | May 2022

Two recent global studies offer important insights into CEOs as a group. Both studies suggest that many CEOs are facing formidable challenges. In the first study, CEOs rated the relative riskiness of the business environment higher for 2022 than directors and other C-suite executives did. Also, the number of risks that CEOs said would have a significant impact on their businesses increased from four in 2021 to 13 in 2022 (of 36 risks studied in the survey), more risks than any other C-suite executive. In contrast, directors rated none of these 13 risks as expected to have a significant impact in 2022. Examples of risks rated as expected to have a “significant impact” by CEOs relate to such matters as the future of work and the workplace, acquiring and retaining talent, rising labor costs, the economy, supply chain disruptions, access to capital, digital innovation, ongoing pandemic concerns, and loss of market share to new market entrants.

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  • tech-infrastructure

Capture New Value from Your Existing Tech Infrastructure

Harvard Business Review | Stefan Thomke and Anthony Rodrigo | May 2022 

When senior managers think about how to respond to the threats and opportunities of technological change, they often dream of the same thing: If they just could start a new company or division that isn’t held back by conventional thinking or outdated business models. But what if they asked themselves instead how they might extract the real value of their technology assets?

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  • mission-sprint-postits

Beware of Mission Creep

SHRM Magazine | Rita Zeidner | March 2022 

Beware of Mission Creep: Tasked with lots of additional assignments, many in HR are finding it increasingly difficult to complete their primary duties.

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  • Company Employees

Want to Scale Your Small Business?

Inc. | Rebecca Deczynski | May 2022 

People tend to feel a little more protective of the things they own. So if you want your employees to feel extra committed, you might consider cutting them into the company.

Offering employees equity may be the norm for startups and companies in the tech industry, but small businesses, more generally, might also explore the option of employee ownership–particularly now as the ongoing labor crunch continues to throttle hiring.

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